NENE International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe

Andrew Worrall, USA

Section Head of the Integrated Fuel Cycle Section at Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Andrew has 30 years of professional experience in the United Kingdom and the United States working on and leading multi-disciplinary and multi-national projects in the fields of reactor physics, fuel and core design, plutonium disposition, fuel development and fuel cycle strategy (technical, economics, and safeguards).

After working in the UK nuclear industry in technical, strategic and managerial leadership roles, in 2012, Andrew joined Oak Ridge National Laboratory where he is currently the Section Head of the Integrated Fuel Cycle Section, and the Deputy Director of the Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear (GAIN), a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy initiative. In December 2014 the U.S. Department of Energy appointed Andrew as the Laboratory Lead Coordinator for nuclear energy research programs with the UK.

Andrew is a Chartered Physicist (CPhys), a Fellow of the Institute of Physics (FInstP), and formerly a Royal Academy of Engineering Professor of Nuclear Engineering in the UK. In January 2021 Andrew, as part a multi-laboratory project, was awarded the U.S. Secretary of Energy’s Achievement Award for addressing a grand challenge in the safeguarding of nuclear material in characterizing commercial spent fuel assemblies. In May 2021, he was given the Award for Outstanding Alumni by Lancaster University, UK, for “an outstanding national and international reputation”.