Conference overview

NENE2022 Conference Proceedings published

Link to the Proceedings on the web, including:

  • 121 peer reviewed papers
  • photographs from the venue

The 31st International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe brought together 219 participants from 18 countries.

Highlights of the conference were:

  • 3 invited lectures and
  • 132 papers were presented: 42 papers presented orally and 90 papers presented as posters.

We would like to express our sincere appreciation to the invited lecturers and authors for their excellent contributions. Special thanks go to the members of the Program committee, who solicited papers and elaborated the conference program.

We kept also the conference tradition and organized the Young authors contest. We would like to thank 23 young authors from 9 countries who participated in the contest. Special thanks go to the members of the Young author award committee who diligently worked through the excellent papers.

The young author awards were given to:


Following the tradition of previous meetings we have also organized the Best poster award. We also thank the members of the Best poster award committee who evaluated the posters according to clearness of objectives, results and conclusions, aesthetics and attractiveness, as well as according to scientific relevance.

The best poster awards were given to posters entitled:


Finally, we would also like to recognize the support of the Nuclear Society of Slovenia and the Nuclear Training Centre (ICJT) of the Jožef Stefan Institute as the co-organizers and the support of our sponsors.

Opening of the 31st International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe

The Nuclear Society of Slovenia in association with the Jožef Stefan Institute, Nuclear Training Centre (ICJT), has opened the 31st International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe.